Treatment - What I do

Your body is a phenomenal self-regulating organism. It is continually responding and adapting to the pressures placed upon it both mentally and physically. Despite the stresses and strains that life throws at it, it will always try to find its way back to health and ease. Even pain and tension, although seemingly negative, are the body’s attempt to help itself.

Having established the cause of the symptoms, the next step is to identify what is preventing the body from accessing this inherent healing wisdom to find its way back to health. These barriers may be physical or psychological, or both. I am a registered osteopath, Somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS) and SIRPA trained practitioner, so have a variety of skills at my fingertips. We can work together to devise an appropriate treatment plan involving 1 or a mixture of the different modalities to suit your individual case. As an alternative to in-person treatments, offer an online 12-week ‘Pain System Reset’ programme for chronic pain recovery with bi-monthly on-line sessions – please enquire for further details and fees.


Somatic Internal Family Systems

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