About me

I started out my career in psychology – having graduated in 1991 from Bristol University with a degree in that subject. However, I had always been happiest using my hands as a musician and crafter, so it seemed only natural to subsequently make a sideways move to a manual profession, graduating as an osteopath in 1996 from the BCNO in North London. Forever curious in nature, I continued to study extensively as a post-graduate with the Sutherland Cranial College (www.scco.ac) eventually becoming a college fellow, whilst also working in clinics alongside senior and highly regarded figures in the profession. I have been working in the City since 2001, and the current location in Moorgate since 2005. My interest in psychology has never left however, so when advanced clinical imaging allowed neuroscientists to identify the origins of pain in the brain, and all the implications of that in terms of pain recovery, I trained further in SE®, Somatic IFS and SIRPA to enable my clinical practice to become truly holistic and my career full-circle.

I live in Lewes with my dog and enjoy walking the South Downs and weaving colours through my garden. I have 3 beautiful grown-up daughters.